
The Blue Wonder: Harnessing the Energy of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a beautiful and powerful gemstone that has been treasured by many cultures throughout history. From its deep blue hue to its healing and spiritual properties, lapis lazuli is a wonder that can be harnessed for energy. In this blog post, we will explore the meaning, history, cleansing, programming, benefits, healing properties, spiritual purpose, how to use, who should not wear and even potential negative effects of lapis lazuli. Discover how you can use the energy of lapis lazuli to better your life.

What is Lapis Lazuli?

Lapis Lazuli is a stunning blue stone that has been revered for its beauty and healing properties for centuries. It is a semi-precious gemstone that has been used by ancient civilizations in various forms, such as for decorative purposes, medicinal remedies, and even in religious practices. This precious stone is renowned for its benefits and healing abilities, making it a highly sought-after stone in the world of alternative healing practices. In this article, we will explore the fascinating history of lapis lazuli, its many uses, how to use it, and who should avoid wearing it due to its negative effects. So, buckle up and let’s dive deep into the mystical world of lapis lazuli.

The Many Uses of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is not just a beautiful stone; it is also known for its many healing benefits. This stone has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. One of the benefits of Lapis Lazuli is that it can help reduce inflammation, which is great for people who suffer from arthritis or other types of pain. It is also believed to help alleviate headaches, migraines, and fever.

Lapis Lazuli is also known to boost the immune system. By doing so, it can help the body fight off infections and diseases. It is also believed to help purify the blood and reduce blood pressure. This stone is a great addition to anyone’s health and wellness routine.

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In addition to its healing properties, Lapis Lazuli is also said to help enhance creativity, mental clarity, and intuition. It is believed to help people tap into their inner wisdom and enhance their spiritual journey. Many people use Lapis Lazuli during meditation or prayer to help deepen their connection with the divine.

Another way that Lapis Lazuli is used is for its aesthetic properties. It is a popular gemstone for jewellery making, as its deep blue colour is both striking and elegant. Lapis Lazuli has been used for thousands of years in jewellery, decoration, and even as a pigment for art.

In summary, Lapis Lazuli is a versatile stone that offers many benefits, both for physical health and spiritual growth. Whether you wear it as jewellery or use it during meditation, Lapis Lazuli is a powerful tool to help you on your journey towards wellness and enlightenment.

Cleansing and Programming Your Stone

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Lapis Lazuli is known for its spiritual and healing properties. To ensure that your stone is able to provide maximum benefits, it’s important to keep it cleansed and programmed. Cleansing your Lapis Lazuli can be done using various methods such as moonlight or placing it on a bed of salt. Once it’s been cleansed, you can then program it with your intentions.

Programming your Lapis Lazuli means setting your intentions for what you want it to help you with. For example, if you’re seeking emotional healing, you can program your stone to aid in releasing negative emotions and promoting inner peace. This can be done by holding the stone in your hand, setting your intention, and visualising the desired outcome.

By keeping your Lapis Lazuli cleansed and programmed, you can harness the energy of the stone and reap its benefits. Whether you’re looking for spiritual growth, emotional healing or physical wellness, Lapis Lazuli is a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals.

The Spiritual Purpose of Lapis Lazuli

For centuries, lapis lazuli has been associated with spiritual healing and enlightenment. The stone has been revered by different cultures throughout history, including ancient Egyptians who used it for religious purposes.

In spiritual circles, lapis lazuli is believed to help enhance communication with higher spiritual beings and provide protection against negative energies. It is thought to help promote spiritual growth, increase intuition and self-awareness and aid in meditation practices.

Some people use lapis lazuli as a talisman or amulet to help ward off negative energy and provide a sense of spiritual calmness and protection. Others carry the stone as a reminder to stay true to their spiritual path and to connect with their inner wisdom.

When using lapis lazuli for spiritual purposes, it’s important to remember to cleanse and program the stone regularly. This helps to remove any negative energies and allows the stone to continue working at its full potential.

Overall, lapis lazuli is a powerful spiritual tool that can help individuals tap into their spiritual potential and connect with the divine. Whether used for meditation or as a talisman, the spiritual purpose of lapis lazuli is undeniable and worth exploring.

How to Use Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a powerful stone that can bring clarity and enlightenment to your life. There are several ways to use lapis lazuli, each with their own benefits. Here are a few methods:

  1. Wearing lapis lazuli jewellery: Wearing lapis lazuli jewellery, such as a necklace or bracelet, is a great way to keep the stone close to your body and allow its energy to flow through you.
  2. Placing lapis lazuli on your chakras: Lapis lazuli is said to be particularly effective at stimulating the throat and third eye chakras. You can place a piece of lapis lazuli on these areas during meditation or while lying down to help open and activate these chakras.
  3. Carrying lapis lazuli with you: You can carry a piece of lapis lazuli in your pocket or purse to help bring mental clarity and calmness throughout the day.
  4. Meditating with lapis lazuli: Sit in a comfortable position and hold a piece of lapis lazuli in your hand. Focus on the stone and its energy, visualising its calming and clearing properties working through your body and mind.

Remember to cleanse and program your lapis lazuli regularly to keep its energy clear and effective. With consistent use and proper care, lapis lazuli can help bring balance and harmony to your life.

Who Should Not Wear Lapis Lazuli?

Although Lapis Lazuli is considered a powerful stone with numerous benefits, not everyone should wear it. It is not recommended for those who are not spiritually inclined or do not believe in the healing properties of crystals. It is also not recommended for those who are not in good physical health or suffer from any medical conditions.

Lapis Lazuli should be avoided by those who have mental health disorders or are prone to anxiety and depression. The intense energy of the stone can exacerbate these conditions, causing further distress. It is also not recommended for children, as they may not be able to handle the intense energy of the stone.

If you are unsure if Lapis Lazuli is right for you, it is best to consult with a qualified crystal healer or your healthcare provider. They can advise you on whether Lapis Lazuli is safe for you to use and how to incorporate it into your daily routine for optimal benefit. Remember to always take care when using any crystal or gemstone, and never substitute them for professional medical advice or treatment.

Lapis Lazuli Negative Effects

While Lapis Lazuli has a multitude of positive effects on the mind, body, and soul, it is essential to acknowledge its potential negative effects. It is vital to note that the negative effects vary from person to person and are dependent on several factors such as the individual’s health condition, sensitivity to certain energies, and so on.

One of the most common negative effects associated with Lapis Lazuli is allergic reactions. If you have a history of allergic reactions to metals or certain gemstones, it is best to consult your doctor before wearing Lapis Lazuli. Another negative effect is the potential for chipping or breaking the stone, which could be due to mishandling or wear and tear over time.

Additionally, some people may experience physical symptoms such as headaches, dizziness or nausea when wearing Lapis Lazuli. It is recommended to start by wearing Lapis Lazuli for short periods to determine if you experience any negative effects.

Finally, it is crucial to note that Lapis Lazuli can have a profound impact on one’s emotional state. As it amplifies energy, it could cause heightened emotions such as anxiety or stress, especially if not programmed or cleansed properly.

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