The Inspiring Power of Dragons

  • The Inspiring Power of Dragons

    Module 5: Basic Dragonology and Understanding Different Types of Dragons

    Module 5: Basic Dragonology and Understanding Different Types of Dragons delves deep into the world of dragonology. This enlightening segment of the course offers students a comprehensive understanding of various species of dragons, broadening their knowledge of these magnificent mythical creatures. It focuses on dissecting each dragon’s distinctive characteristics, examining everything from their diets to their habitats. Not only does it examine popular dragons such as the Western dragon, the Eastern dragon, and the Wyvern, it also delves into the realm of lesser-known dragon species, enriching the understanding of every learner. From the frost-breathing wyrms of the northern mountains to the fiery serpents of southern volcanoes, this module presents an…

  • The Inspiring Power of Dragons

    Module 4: Dragon Symbolism and Importance in Nature

    Module 4 delves into the complex world of dragon symbolism and its paramount significance in nature. Through the study of cultural and historical aspects of diverse civilisations, participants will be led on an enlightening journey of unravelling the multi-layered meanings associated with these mythical creatures. Engage with how dragons have been symbolically associated with elemental forces of nature, personifying traits like strength, courage, and grandeur. A deep dive will also be taken into the correlation of dragons with wisdom and power. This module illustrates how they’ve been respected and worshipped in various cultures as wise guardians, and fierce, untamed emblems of raw power and authority. Gain a unique perspective into…

  • The Inspiring Power of Dragons

    Module 3: Perception of Dragons in Modern Literature and Media

    Module 3: Perception of Dragons in Modern Literature and Media explores the diverse and transformative portrayals of dragons in contemporary narrative contexts. This module delves into the vivid, imaginative realms of renowned novels, iconic films, and engaging video games to understand how modern-day storytelling continues to reinvent dragon mythology. We delve into their characterisation from malevolent and fearsome creatures to majestic and noble beings, unravelling the intricacies of the dragon figure in storytelling and its symbolic interpretations. In essence, this module investigates how dragons’ multifaceted representation in literature and media have moulded our contemporary understanding of these mystical creatures.

  • The Inspiring Power of Dragons

    Module 2: Unearthing the Dragon’s Origin

    Module 2: Unearthing the Dragon’s Origin provides a deep-dive exploration into the history and cultural origins of dragon mythology. The module analyses diverse legends and folklore from various parts of the globe, detailing how the myth of dragons evolved differently across civilisations and centuries. From the Eastern serpentine depictions in Chinese and Japanese tales to the formidable beasts in Western literature, this module provides fascinating insights into the fascinating variations of these legendary creatures. Learners will discover how factors such as environment, religion, and cultural exchanges influenced the perception and portrayal of dragons worldwide. Prepare to be captivated by a global tour of ancient dragon lore.

  • The Inspiring Power of Dragons

    Module 1: Introduction to Dragon Mythology

    Module 1: Introduction to Dragon Mythology is an engaging journey that takes you through the intriguing tales of dragons prevalent in various cultures worldwide. This module serves as a gateway to understand the importance these mystical creatures hold in mythology and history, and how they are seen from a socio-cultural perspective. Discover the multifaceted interpretations of dragons across continents, ranging from evil beings to protectors of life. By learning about the evolution of these legendary creatures, their traits, and their impact, you can explore the intertwining threads between different mythologies, whilst appreciating the diversity of human thought and beliefs. Embrace the unique chance to investigate this captivating subject from the…